Welcome to your Wellness Quiz

How often do you exercise?


How would you rate your daily stress levels on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I constantly feel tense and overwhelmed. I have extreme anxiety throughout the day.

5 – I feel some tension and stress from time to time, but I’m generally able to manage it and stay in control.

10 – I feel almost no anxiety or tension in my body throughout the day. I am rarely overwhelmed.

How winded do you feel going up two flights of stairs?

10 – I feel no effect after going up four flights of stairs rapidly. 

0 – I am extremely winded going up four flights of stairs, let alone rapidly. I tend to avoid stairs due to my poor cardiovascular health.

How are your hydration levels throughout the day?

10 – Relative to my work and temperature conditions, I drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

0 – I am not aware of my hydration throughout the day and I rarely drink water in general.

How is your quality of sleep?

10 – I never wake up during the night and easily get 8 hours of sleep. I wake up in the morning energized and excited to start the day. 

0 – I am lethargic and drained whenever I wake up in the morning. I have a hard time falling asleep at night and I wake up multiple times throughout the night. I get approximately 3 hours a night.

What does your thought process look like?

10 – My thoughts are always positive and when I have a negative thought I find a way to put a positive spin on it.

0 – I primarily have negative thoughts and find great difficulty exiting that cycle.

How well do you respond to adversity?

10 – When I go through adversity, I find a sense of purpose that allows me to respond in a healthy and positive way, constantly. 

0 – I respond in negative ways to adversity and only look for places to complain. I don’t see adversity as a way to grow.

What does your diet look like?

10 – I rarely eat processed food and have adequate daily intake of vegetables and other natural foods. I am conscious about where my food comes from and the science behind it. My diet is nutrient rich.

0 – I primarily eat processed foods and take little interest in where my food comes from and my dietary needs.

What does your supplementary health look like?

10 – I have good knowledge about what minerals, vitamins and substances I lack. I make daily efforts to supply these through ingestion of high quality supplements.

0 – I take no supplements and don’t consider what I may need for quality supplementation.

How is your vitality?

10 – Throughout the day I am motivated by my purpose in life to complete my daily tasks. I never feel drained or tired.

0 – I constantly feel tired and unmotivated to get through the day. I don’t know what my purpose in life is.

How regular and quality are your bowel movements?

10 – I have quality bowel movements that are regular.

0 – I have irregular bowel movement with low quality.

How often are you sitting throughout the day?

10 – I rarely sit throughout the day. I stand at work and am active after.

0 – I spend my entire day seated.

How often are you looking at blue light throughout the day? Examples include TV, phone, computer screens.

10 – I go the entire day without looking at any blue light. 

0 – I spend the entire day looking at blue light on my phone, computer, and TV.

How easily can you hold a 90-degree squat for 30 seconds?

10 – I can easily hold a 90-degree squat for 5+ minutes.

0 – I cannot get low enough to even get to a 90-degree squat.

How confident are you lifting heavier objects?

10 – I know I have great lifting form and that I am strong enough to lift heavy objects.

0 – I do not have proper form and I am not nearly strong enough to even lift household items.

How often do you get sick?

10 – It is extremely rare if I get a cold, but on the rare occasion that this occurs I bounce back fast and my symptoms are minimal.

0 – I get colds and illnesses very often and it takes several weeks to bounce back. My symptoms are often severe.

How do you feel about your health and wellness?

10 – I take complete responsibility with whatever I need to do to improve my health and wellness. I take actions for self care through disciplines to be preventative and proactive. I seek to find the root cause of my mind, heart, body, or soul breakdown. I take the initiative with my health and wellness and do not give it away.

0 – I put my health and wellness on the backburner until I am in a crisis. I never think about prioritizing my wellness, until it is too late.

Adverse Situations

10 – I do not focus or live in the past, but I am aware of and open to learning about how adverse things that have happened in my life are affecting me in the present. I readily address broken aspects of the past in the best way possible so I can experience resolution and peace. I am aware of these wounds so that they cannot impact me in the present or future. 

0 – I have never considered how my broken past still holds within me. I don’t know how to heal those wounds and break through the chains.

Self Forgiveness

10 – I look for every opportunity to forgive myself for mistakes and shortcomings. I am not hard on myself at all. If I am, I immediately recognize it, let go of it, and am kind to myself.

0 – I am really hard on myself for things that I have messed up in my past. I have never considered being gracious and forgiving myself.


10 – I am aware of my five senses in a healthy way. I have also developed my intuitive sense and use it to enhance my relationships and navigate life.

0 – I am not aware of my five senses and I have not developed my intuitive sense or I am obsessive compulsive about my senses and have turned on myself overtime.


10 – I am confident in myself and proud of who I am and what I represent. 

0 – I have no self confidence and struggle with feeling proud of who I am.

General Spirituality

10 – I pray or connect daily in some meaningful way that results in an expression of authentic love, compassion, kindness, and understanding to those around me. I desire to grow in order to give more of myself to nurture relationships and those in need.

0 – I do not have any appreciation of my spiritual dimension nor participate in any practice.


10 – I know who I am at my deepest core and have found that when I connect to this place in a relationship with others and myself I have deep life-giving fulfillment.

0 – I don’t know who I am at my deepest core nor how that impacts my relationships.


10 – I enjoy rich relationships and I am not afraid to truly love myself and others.

0 – My relationship and ability to connect with myself and others is poor.

Locus of Control

10 – I readily understand what variables in a day I am in control of and what variables I am not. I work in positive ways to engage what I can control and let go of what I can’t.

0 – I am not aware of what variables in my day I can control or not. Therefore, I am unsure how take that knowledge into the day.

How easily can you roll slowly on the floor in a full circle

10 – Extremely easily
0 – I can’t do it

Physical Condition

How would you rate your physical condition from 1-10?

1 – I am extremely winded going up four flights of stairs. I can’t get down on the floor without help, let alone have the core control to roll 360 degrees. I cannot get low enough to get down to a 90-degree squat.

5 – I am able to walk up four flights of stairs with minimal difficulty, but I do experience some shortness of breath. I can hold a 90-degree squat for a minute or two, but I need to use my arms and legs to help me roll slowly in 360 degrees.

10 – I feel no effect after going up four flights of stairs rapidly. I can easily hold a 90-degree squat for 3 minutes. I can roll on the floor very slowly in 360 degrees without any difficulty and minimal use of my arms and legs.

Sleep Quality

How would you rate your sleep on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I am lethargic and drained whenever I wake up in the morning. I have a hard time falling asleep at night and I wake up multiple times throughout the night. I get approximately 3 hours a night.

5 – I usually wake up multiple times during the night and get around 6 hours of sleep. In the morning, I’m usually tired but can get going with a bit of effort.

10 – I never wake up during the night and easily get 8 hours of sleep. I wake up in the morning energized and excited to start the day.


How would you rate your susceptibility to illness on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I get colds and illnesses very often and it takes several weeks to bounce back and my symptoms are often severe.

5 – I usually don’t get sick often, but when I do, it takes me a few days to recover, and my symptoms can be moderate.

10 – It is extremely rare if I get a cold, but on the rare occasion that this occurs I bounce back fast and my symptoms are minimal.


How would you rate your hydration habits from 1-10?

1 – I am not aware of my hydration throughout the day and I rarely drink water in general.

5 – I try to be mindful of my hydration throughout the day and make an effort to drink at least a few glasses of water.

10 – Relevant to my work and temperature conditions, I drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.


How would you rate your medication usage on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I take several medications with high dosages and rely heavily on them.

5 – I take medications occasionally, but not regularly, and rely on them when needed.

10 – I rarely ever take medications in a year’s time and have no apparent need to.


How would you rate your diet on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I primarily eat processed foods and take little interest in where my food comes from and my dietary needs.  I take no supplements and don’t consider what I may need for quality supplementation.

5 – I eat some processed foods, but also make sure I’m getting enough natural foods. I am aware of where my food comes from and that certain nutrients are important, while I also take some supplements to ensure I’m getting the nutrition I need.

10 – I rarely eat processed food and have adequate daily intake of vegetables and other natural foods. I am conscious about where my food comes from and the science behind it.  My diet is nutrient rich and if I lack something, I take high quality supplementation to address this.


How would you rate your vitality on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I constantly feel tired and unmotivated to get through the day. I don’t know what my purpose in life is. I use caffeine, drugs, and/or “energy” drinks to get through my day and accomplish my tasks.

5 – I sometimes feel drained and unmotivated, but I am usually able to complete my tasks without relying on caffeine, drugs, or “energy” drinks. I strive to find my purpose, which motivates me to get through the day.

10 – Throughout the day I am motivated by my purpose in life to complete my daily tasks. I never feel drained or tired. I have no need to rely on caffeine, drugs, or “energy” drinks to get through my day and accomplish my tasks.


How would you rate your lifestyle on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I spend my entire day seated and looking at blue light from flat screens (phone, TV, monitors, etc).

5 – I spend some time seated and looking at blue light from flat screens (phone, TV, monitors, etc.) throughout the day, but I also make an effort to be active and limit my exposure to blue light.

10 – I rarely sit throughout the day. I stand at work and am active after. It is infrequent that I expose myself to blue light from flat screens (phone, TV, monitors, etc.) throughout the day.

Owning My Health

How would you rate your sense of self-responsibility on a scale of 1-10?

1 – I put my health and wellness on the backburner until I am in a crisis. I never think about prioritizing my wellness, until it is too late.

5 – I take an active role in my health and wellness, but I may not always prioritize it until I am in a crisis. Then I take steps to find the root cause of my mind, heart, body, or soul breakdowns and strive to be preventative. I understand the importance of taking responsibility for my own health and wellness and not giving it away.

10 – I take complete responsibility with whatever I need to do to improve my health and wellness. I take actions for self care through disciplines to be preventative and proactive. I seek to find the root cause of my mind, heart, body, or soul breakdowns. I take the initiative with my health and wellness and do not give it away.