Stress Reset Therapy

An innovative, hands-on approach utilizing the most modern advances in applied neurophysiology, deeply affecting the roots of stress and tension held within the body. Performed in a pleasant, private setting. 60 minutes.

This service is only available through Fischer Physical Therapy, cash payment only. Please call 406- 449- 3060 to schedule an appointment today! This is the only service that we do not provide a satisfaction guarantee on.

Call us to schedule an appointment today! (406) 449-3060

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An innovative, hands-on approach utilizing the most modern advances in applied neurophysiology, deeply affecting the roots of stress and tension held within the body. Performed in a pleasant, private setting. 60 minutes.

It was not a relaxation I could have willed

A few thoughts from my stress reset session….

Often when I am most stressed I am least in touch with my body. Experiencing the stress reset with Matthew was better than 20 sessions of any kind of talk therapy. With his gentle touch and clear directions to my thinking mind, Matthew guided me in such a way that my body heard and responded. It was not a relaxation I could have willed, and it was deeper than I usually experience. Matthew offers a true reset and I felt trauma leave my body and mind. Thank you Matthew.
Vaughn K

it will do wonders for you!

I went to Matthew for the Stress Reset Therapy as finals were approaching. You could say that I was a little stressed out!

However, after the therapy, I felt the most relaxed that I have ever felt! If you are open and receptive to this unique therapy, it will do wonders for you!
Susan Metzger